الأحد، مايو 14، 2006

تمييز سلبي ضد حاملين ڤيروس نقص المناعة

اذا كان هذا المذكور في المدونة الاجتماعية للامارات صحيحاً، كما ذكرته صحيفة 7دَيز. فهذا جنون وسخافة من شرطة دبي، للتو كنت اتحدث عن مقالة الامارات اليوم عن ثقة سكان ابوظبي للشرطة هناك؛ أما أنا فلا أثق بالشرطة، حتى لو كانوا "أحسن شرطة في العالم".

هذا ما قلته في التعليق للتلك المقالة في المدونة:

As a friend of an HIV+ person (his blog is unfortunately blocked), I realize and notice how some people can become quite discriminant of people carrying the virus.

It's disgusting how the entire thought shows an intention to the invasion of privacy. This is not the way to tackle the increase in HIV+ people in the UAE.

Most people do have a conscience, you know, if they know that they're HIV+ they'd take constraints with their sex life and do something about it. My friend's one of the founder's of RugUp, which I think is quite a good way of spreading vigilance about the entire issue. Maybe a better way is to make things clearer about the HIV/AIDS issue, not simply banning HIV+ people from coming over.

How about large and loud safe-sex ads? Despite the legal status of sex, law never stopped people from having sex. Might as well convince people that if they're going to have sex, they might as well do a safe job at it.

Hell, considering the way HIV+ people are treated here in the country, I'd keep my status to myself if I'm tested positive.

hehe, guess there's going to be a lot of moaning about the issue from me, Buj. :)

كصديق لحامل الڤيروس (للأسف المدونة ممنوعة [في الامارات])، ألاحظ كيف الكثير من الناس قد يصبحون مميزين سلبياً لحاملين الڤيروس.

إنه تافه كيف الفكرة كلها تروي الإرادة للاعتداء على خصوصية. هذا ليس طريق لعلاج التزايد لحملة الڤيروس في الدولة.

أغلبية الناس لديهم ضمائر، أتعلمون، اذا يعلمون أنهم حملة للڤيروس سيبدأون لحجز حياتهم الجنسية والفعل شيء عن ذلك. صديقي مؤسس لـ"رَگ-أپ" الذي أعتبره اسلوب جيد لاحتراس من الموضوع كله. قد يكون التكثير من التوضيح عن الموضوع طريق افضل لمعالجة الامر، ليس مجرد منع الحاملين من دخول البلاد.

ماذا لو استخدموا اعلانات كبيرة وهادر عن الجنس السليم؟ حتى بوجود القانون، لم يمنع القانون الناس من ممارسة الجنس. فيجب علينا أن نقنع الناس أن إذ يريدوا الجنس فيجب أن يمارسوه بطريقة سليمة.

إعتباراً كيف يعاملون حملة الڤيروس هنا في الدولة، ستضل سر حالتي لي أنا وحدي، إذا أظهر الفحص بأني حامل الڤيروس.

هه، أتوقع أن سيكون هناك الكثير من التونّين عسب الموضوع من عندي، بوج.


Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

It is an issue that I think people just don't know how to handle in such cultures where sex is taboo, and being HIV+ is nothing but a social stigma on the highest level. (this is however still the case in many societies where sex isnt a taboo)

It is gonna take a lot more time for people to accept it...unfortunately in countries like the US where the tolls are high, people have come to accept it and not fear HIV+ people, often because they got to know someone who got infected...

It's a shame that it would have to go to such extremes for people to learn to accept what is a global issue, indiscriminative of religion, and to try to tackle it using the modern methods existing.

How to implement such modern methods is a good question... you will have to moan some more samawel :) '7alas we moan together, buj as well.

مايو 16, 2006 3:48 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

Oh yeah, a lot of moaning... One of the main reasons I do care about this entire STI/safe sex issue is because as a college student, there's a lot of sex talk that I hear. But out of the majority of guys I've met and had this conversation with think that condoms' sole purpose is birth control, therefore don't use it in non-vaginal intercourse. Which pissed me off, naturally. So, a lot of my preaching consists of a lot of safe sex related blabs...

I guess I also feel strongly about it because I am from a high-risk group, particularly higher than quite a bit of other people.

مايو 16, 2006 8:52 م  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Of course samawel, one can't reiterate it enough times, the importance of practicing safe sex and that it is not solely related to birth control or vaginal sex.

High risk group you say? how so?

مايو 17, 2006 5:27 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

Homosexual. ... A lot of homosexuals have this version of misinformation that condoms are useless since there's absolutely no chance of pregnancy, therefore completely ignoring the possibility of another form of pregnancy, that doesn't bear life, rather the opposite, in occasions where that pregnancy wasn't dealt with properly.

That's not the only reason that homosexuals can be considered a high-risk group, but it is also the wider openness to sexual activity (even in cultures that don't really like sex.)

But of course, I'm sure you thought of the possibility of my sexuality... I mean, I'm a bit out-spoken when it comes to homosexuality in my blog. hehe :)

مايو 17, 2006 9:35 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

samawel.. what's this about all of us moaning together?

well my comment about moaners was meant to show that people who complain about the lack of personal freedom sometimes use the wrong methods (hence "moaning") as opposed to doing something more positive that is likely to yield a better result for them.

your position is quite different and i agree with the comment you made in principle.. and fair enough because you have a good point.

it just pisses me off that people pick up fights for all the stupid things and when something really is worth fighting for they go and have a coffee (probably at starbucks)..

one example (UK oriented) is the introduction of ID cards. it's the stupidist thing i have heard from the government since they decided to invade iraq because they could launch weapons in 45 minutes in 2003.

the proposed ID card would be mandatory and affect us in many ways that we can wish to consider (and me to write in this short reply) but you find idiots campaining to protect a type of brazilian spider when there are only 8 left in the world. yet they ignore the plight of humans whose liberty will be robbed in the UK (60 million) and if u want to continue about humans then what about the africans.. poor africans..

an african child dies every 5 seconds...

if you read this comment in full that would mean that about 10 kids have died since u started.

i'd sacrifice the 8 spiders for the 10 kids.

مايو 17, 2006 9:38 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

you're no ordinary 3abboud ;)

homosexuality eh?

مايو 17, 2006 9:40 م  
Blogger Samawel said...

you make much sense :)

hehe yep, very much a no ordinary 3abboud that people actually take a while to believe that i am one of the 3abbouds hehe

مايو 17, 2006 10:09 م  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

buj buj buj...balance is key..one can still take care of teh 8 spiders from brazil without letting the world die of hunger..there are enough resources and taking care of one does not exclude the ability to take care of the other...

Samawel, I try not to assume in general, hence I asked :) but yes indeed I did give it a guess!

Tayyeb how does that work being gay in the UAE? I'm all curious now :)

Still I would say gay people in the west are generally aware of the importance of protecting themselves...perhaps gay people (or people in general) in developing countries or countries where sex in general is hardly ever discussed in schools etc are the ones who are mostly mis-informed?

Do you think the UAE could handle a campaign of the likes of what you have suggested? or could one find a more subtle approach, do you think?

مايو 17, 2006 11:45 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

sha sha sha.. balance is key.. but also priorities are key as well!!!

i would much rather save humans first then animals.

مايو 17, 2006 11:47 م  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Well buj I'm saying you don't have to choose...

the problem does not lie with spider savers, it lies with ppl who do nothing at all.

مايو 18, 2006 12:02 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

Being gay works. Gaydar.co.uk has over 100 people logged on at any one time under the UAE category. People are just quiet about it, but it exists.

Some places are well-known gay hangouts but not officially. I'm not a scene person, in any case.

It's difficult sometimes with all the homophobia that people have, but I manage to get through since most homophobes seem to think that homosexuals stick to a stereotype. So they don't seem to expect it in me easily.

It's all odd though, I mean, I'm quite vocal about sexuality and all that. I mean last November/December, I wrote an essay that was about just about same-sex marriage. The professor was fine about it, only one person said something to oppose my opinion in a class of 20something.

Coming back to the safe-sex campaign. The UAE 's society wont fall apart (as some may think) if the campaign was loud and attention-seeking as I suggested it should be. Besides, it'll get across easily, everyone wants to know about sex. It's what helped major plawrights become famous.

But of course, some would want a subtle approach. Being a outspoken about the issue itself, I don't have any idea about how to keep it subtle.

مايو 18, 2006 12:56 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

7ayyak ya Samawel :)

i am going to check this website.. should be interesting :)

a safe sex campaign is an excellent idea.. especially in such a sexually-ignorant country.. bless u!

what's the next step?

مايو 18, 2006 11:57 م  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

I appreciate what you say samawel, and you are right, there is a great deal of homophobia in the world, not to mention in "our" world.

Still sometimes to get ones point across one must present it in a way that will be welcomed.

Communication is often pointless with one person speaking to deaf ears, if you know what I mean?

I'm with you when it comes to the need for safe-sex campaigns, however when you live in a country whos idea of safe sex is abstination all together, it will be hard to have huge posters up saying "condoms are your friend", or what do you say?

مايو 20, 2006 5:40 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

hehe... That's true. Unfortunately, there's a lot of people too narrow in the head for our likes. The society here will get there eventually. I'll just have to wait. I just don't know how long.

Maybe by the time that Bawadi project is finished, there'll be some progress in these issues.

مايو 20, 2006 9:03 ص  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

:) meanwhile you can hang with us lol

مايو 20, 2006 1:27 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

SS.. i hope the us includes all of us 3 at least :)

Samawel.. what's this bawadi project? excuse my ignorance but it's more a memory problem.. u probably mentioned it b4 but my memory is crap...

anyway.. nothing is constant but change itself.. so i believe attitudes will change as they always have.

we used to believe that the earth was flat... and that we're the centre of the universe (although that hasn't changed for a disillusioned few)

مايو 21, 2006 12:55 ص  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Taba3an buj :)

مايو 21, 2006 4:11 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

Bawadi is the new giant hotel projects that's in for Dubai... Aparently it's supposed to be bigger than Las Vegas... hehe

مايو 22, 2006 3:14 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

hehe.. bigger than nevada?

i know this is totally inappropriate but u know it's not the size that matters, it's what you do with it :)

مايو 22, 2006 5:13 م  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

ya salaaaaammmmmmmmmm!! cannot believe you said that loll

wallah 3aib buj.

مايو 25, 2006 5:15 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

hehe... Size doesn't matter, that is true to some extent. I mean, the bigger it is, the much more painful it could be, if done the wrong way... Trust me, I know.

مايو 25, 2006 2:22 م  
Blogger UAE ALIAS said...

هذا أحد النتائج لما تتمرد على المجتمع وعلى الدين، هالمرض بالذات عقاب من الله أراه عقاب عادل، فهذا عقاب الله وذاك عقاب المجتمع! الله يحمي الجميع من هالمرض ومن الطرق المؤدية إليه!

يونيو 01, 2006 1:31 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

اذا شأتي تأمنين أن المرض عقاب، هذا راجع إليك. لكن أسألك، شو تسمين طفل مولود بالڤيروس في جسمه؟ أو جدّة حاملة الڤيروس؟ أو شخص نزف الكثير من الدم، فلما عطوه الدم، كان في الدم الڤيروس؟

بكل صراحة، هؤلاء ما لهم ذنب ولا هم متمردين عن المجتمع.

الطرق التي تؤدي له أكثر مما نتخيله.

انا استغربت لما قرأت ان الڤيروس أقدم مما تخيلته.

يونيو 01, 2006 12:24 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

hmmm don't really know what to say to that samawel!!

as for the poor kids with HIV.. i think we need to get our heads of the clouds of idealness and think in the real world.. there are ppl out there who have the virus not because of anything they did.. and they need protection and medical help..

a one-size-fits-all will not work!

يونيو 02, 2006 2:32 ص  
Blogger Samawel said...

Actually, that's why all partners should not share needles, even if offered... Always use condoms, even if the lack of its need is suggested.

Those who spread it for fun are sick, and have been punished in various countries around the world. But that doesn't, in my view, allow the invasion of privacy of the individuals. And besides, one should not be so passive as to accept not using a condom or share needles.

يونيو 18, 2006 4:46 م  

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