الجمعة، أكتوبر 27، 2006


صار مشهد أمامي حين كنت عند الخياط.

كان هناك ولدان، كليهما مواطنان (عرفت ذلك من اللهجة). أحدهما لابس الدشداشة ومتعصّم، الآخر لابس جِينس وقميص. كان الذي لابس الجينس يقايس القحفيّات، لكن لم يكن يعرف كيف يلبسها صحيحاً، كان متأزّم بسبب القحفيات.

المتعصّم سأل، "ما تْعَرْف تِلْبَس القَحْفِيَّة؟" السؤال ذاته لم يكن مهين لثاني، كان هذا صديقه وهذا كلام أصدقاء، ليس كلام غرباء. ظل الولد ساكت ولم يرد عليه.

الإحراج للولد بدأ حين قال الخيّاط، "شُو؟! ما تَعْرَف كَيْف تِلْبَس القَحْفِيَّة؟" وصوت الخياط للأسف كان متزانخ (في رأيي).

رد الولد بخجول وإحراج واضح، "لا، أنا ما أعَرْف كَيْف ألْبَسْها."

حسن الخلق كانت المسألة هنا. الخياط أحرج الولد، لأنه سأله سؤال لا يُسأل إلا من قِبَل صديق أو خليل.

هي أوقات مثل هذه يتمنى الشخص أن يتواجد في تعامل الناس مع بعض (خاصّةً هؤلاء الذين لا يعرفون بعض) الأداب اليابانية لغوياً وفعلياً.


Anonymous غير معرف said...

hmmm.. quite interesting and thought-provoking.. on the lighter side I guess your title captures it all.

unfortunately in our day and age in the UAE we still encounter occurrences like this almost everyday. this is due to a multitude of reasons which need volumes to address it in a way that gives it justice.

having said all that.. i sometimes used to wonder in the past how some arabs cannot tie a tie. i was fortunate to learn that skill at a young age but many were not. one of my best friends still cannot tie it, and when i gave him ties (as gifts before) i used to always present it tied and ready :)

personally, i think the 3isama is trickier to handle than the ga7fiya :)

أكتوبر 29, 2006 12:22 ص  
Anonymous غير معرف said...


كتابتك العربية الفصحى ما شاء الله ممتازة! آتمنى آن آستطيع مزاولة الكتابة على هذا المستوى الراقي!

أكتوبر 29, 2006 1:18 م  
Blogger UAE ALIAS said...

Actually the people around the world are getting more bullying day by day... because there is a Huge lack on the ethical education wether it's in school, home or media. Actually all of those are raising bulling generations... in addtion to the Western media subjects which make such behavior kinda cool& funny for teens...
I have to Admit with regret that I was one of those when I was in high school becuase in the school i've been to it's ether you are a bully or being bullied! so it was a survival issue! yet I do regret it.

أكتوبر 29, 2006 2:33 م  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

I think in many of our so caled "home countries" there is a sense of bluntness and rudeness which I think is often unaware. It was no place for the '7ayyaat to talk to him like that. But alas, just a thing like women and their comments on girls weight.
Everytime you meet an arab woman she will either tell you, Nahfaane? or samnaane?

You just don't do that etiquette wise but for them its normal.

أكتوبر 29, 2006 6:28 م  
Blogger Samawel said...

Thanks Buj, I'll be learning how to do the 3isama thing sooner or later.

Alias: True. I was quite a victim of bullying, it has a strong effect on my personality.

Shaykhspeara: Yes, you're right.

نوفمبر 13, 2006 7:50 م  
Blogger BuJ said...

yeah.. i guess arabic women lack etiquette.. which after all is a french concept from "civilised" europe...

good luck with el 3isama.. when u learn u gotta teach me!

نوفمبر 14, 2006 1:10 ص  

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